City of Long Beach
Art Direction / Design / Print
The City of Long Beach called upon We The Creative to plan and produce a publication to celebrate the history of their Civic Center, which includes City Hall, Port Administration Building, a main library and a revitalized public park.
This transformative project – located on the site of the former Long Beach Courthouse – is seismically safe and environmentally friendly.
The $520 million Civic Center is possible due to a pioneering public-private partnership between Long Beach and Plenary-Edgemoor Civic Partners. The complex is the linchpin in a revitalized downtown core that serves residents and represents the City of Long Beach’s can-do spirit.
This 52-page, hard-cover book captures the community pride and positive economic impact the Civic Center has brought to Long Beach. It documents the city’s process of adopting a public-private partnership to finance, operate and maintain the Civic Center, while highlighting specific features of the project build.
In developing the book, We The Creative used an effective approach called the “RUN-JOG-WALK” philosophy to condensing and highlighting the most relevant, overarching details. With this method of arranging content, even someone who only skims through can quickly understand and appreciate the accomplishments behind the Civic Center’s development. Then, a “runner” or “jogger” who is intrigued by the engaging presentation might choose to dive in deeper and “walk” through more of the information.