CLB Environmental Services Bureau
Art Direction / Design / Strategy / Print
The City of Long Beach Environmental Services Bureau sought to further support the upcoming EPS ordinance, reinforce its importance, and improve awareness for CLB residents. The goal was to engage the public to bring and use their own reusable items–including coffee mugs, straws, to-go containers, and grocery bags/produce bags–as people are out and about in Long Beach.
The design direction for the campaign was inspired by iconic "Call to arms" posters, like Rosie the Riveter, reinforcing the "We can do it" message. This concept was communicated by showing different forearms holding up a variety of reusable containers alongside the tagline "I Choose to Reuse"–personifying empowered and passionate residents making the choice to make the change. The bright primary color palette and varying pattern backgrounds were eye-catching and representative of Long Beach's diversity.
The campaign ran during the summer and partnered with the City’s Park/Rec/Marine Bureau to educate residents through a booth at City events and through the use of Street Teams reaching out to residents at the events.