City of Long Beach: City Manager Office
Art Direction / Design
We The Creative was responsible for designing and delivering a digital report that summarizes the progress the City of Long Beach made in 2018 on goals and initiatives ranging from public safety to early childhood education. Audiences for the report include current and future citizens of Long Beach, as well as community partners.
We The Creative made sure to emphasize Long Beach’s commitment to ensuring its residents’ quality of life by featuring a clean, engaging layout with bright color blocks and engaging infographics that highlight particularly notable statistics about the city’s development. The report illustrates the city’s rapid growth and improvement, highlighting projects that will contribute to Long Beach’s economic growth for years to come.
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“It’s essential for citizens of any city to see their tax dollars going toward a valuable purpose,” said Joven Orozco, creative director behind the project. “We designed the Year in Review report to demonstrate that in a tangible way for the people who call Long Beach home.”
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